October 28, 2020
Etthics in ART |
Clare Boothroyd, M.D. |
Current use of Clomiphene citrate in ART |
Assoc. Prof. Somsin Petyim, M.D., PhD. |
Practical guidance from the real expert on vaginal progesterone for LPS: find out the best outcomes for IVF patient |
Prof.Human Fatemi, M.D., PhD. |
Improve the better outcomes for our IVF pattients: choosing the right ovarian stimulation is matter! |
Prof.Human Fatemi, M.D., PhD.
Poor responder: what to offer? |
Somjate Manipalviratn, M.D.
Enhancing the role of LH and optimize the beneficial recombinant LH in ovarian stimulation |
Robert Fischer, M.D.
Use of add-ons in ART |
Clare Boothroyd, M.D.
Innovative Controlled ovarian Hyperstimulation method for pcos without ohss and higher oocyte quality resulted in highest cumulative pregnancy at one cycle |
Attsushi Tanaka, M.D., PhD.
Prresent and Future of ROSI |
Attsushi Tanaka, M.D., PhD.
October 29, 2020
The use of mitochondrial supplementation to rescue oocytes deficient in mtDNA copy number |
Justin St. John, PhD., B.Sc.
Is it time to move forward to non-invasive pgt? |
Yan Zhou, Ph.D. |
Endometrial receptivity test (ert) using rna-seq to predict the optimal window of implantation: a pilot study |
Yan Zhou, Ph.D. |
Recent Advances in GenetticScrreening for Reproductive Health: From Preconcepttion to Newborn |
Michael Richardson, PhD. |
PGTai-The next generation of PGT-A technology |
David Chrrimes, PhD. |
PGT-A/M/SR clinical applicattion |
Francesca Spindlla, PhD. |
Mosaicism and their clinical outcomes |
Francesca Spindlla, PhD. |
October 30, 2020
ArremDNA variants, mutations and deletions predictors of oocyte and embrryo quality? |
Justin St. John, PhD., B.Sc. |
How to prepare the endometrrium for frozen embrryo transfer cycle |
Jack Huang, M.D., PhD. |
Optimizing timing of embryo transfer |
Jack Huang, M.D., PhD. |
1.Lipiodol Changed My Practice - How and Why |
Prof. Neil Johnson, M.D., FRANZCOG, MRCGP, CREI |
Japan Experrience on Lipiodol on HSG for last 10 years |
Prof. Yutaka Osuga, M.D., PhD. |
Lipiodol relevant HSG study and clinical evidence update |
Prof. Ben Willem Mol, FRANZCOG, M.D., PhD., B.Sc. (econ), B.Sc.(med) |
How automate algorithm can help on embryo grading |
Marcos Meseguer, PhD. |
Non-invasive PGT-A; The Next Generation for Embryo Viability Diagnosis |
Carlos Simon, M.D., PhD. |
Solving tthe puzzle of endometrial factor |
Carlos Simon, M.D., PhD. |
ERPeak-Timing the embryo transfer using endometrial receptivity testing |
David Chrimes, PhD. |
The use of nuclear transfer to treat infertility and mitochondria disease |
Justin St. John, PhD., B.Sc. |